A Fresh Perspective on the Collegiate Community

As we are starting the 2020-2021 school year in the midst of uncertainty, there is no shortage of “new” in this season. New schedules, new virtual classes, and new people. One of Collegiate’s newest faces, Dorian Moore, is no stranger to our school, although he is new to being on staff at Collegiate. Moore graduated from CSM in 2015 and found his way back to the Collegiate campus last spring semester as a student teacher for our athletic program. Following his graduation from The University of Memphis with a Bachelors of Science in Education, he joined the Collegiate community as an intern for the new school year.


Why did you choose CSM to fulfill your student teaching requirement?

I wanted to be at a school that had a student conditioning program, and I knew Collegiate was an environment where you can express your faith, be a mentor, and build relationships with students.

What did you enjoy most about teaching/coaching during your time as a student teacher?

The support system. I really appreciated working with Coach Nunnley, who was my coach when I was a student, and Coach Mastriano. They’re guys who I knew I could talk to about anything. From them, I could soak up knowledge about how to teach students. I learned from how they communicated and how they helped each other. I also enjoyed building relationships with the students. Students at Collegiate are motivated and willing to learn. 

Why did you apply to work at CSM as an intern?

I knew it would be a good entry point to see how teachers and administrators operate. I wanted to be able to see things that were behind the scenes that I didn’t see as a student. 

How do you feel being back at CSM?

I didn’t appreciate Collegiate enough as a student, and now that I’ve matured I’ve realized how good the students at Collegiate have it. 

What do students get at CSM that they won’t get anywhere else?

Accountability, support, and community. You can see that teachers are genuine and education goes beyond the classroom.